"Abu Ghraib Probe Points to(?) Top Brass"
Funny how the Washington Post is reporting on the Fay report. They seem to be trying as hard as they can, without outright making up the necessary connections, to show that the higher-ups had something to do with the abuses. Eg., the wording as follows:
Another defense official said the Army study would be "a comprehensive report, a thorough look at another aspect of Abu Ghraib, to include up to the CJTF-command level," a reference to Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, who until recently was the top U.S. commander in Iraq.OK, so some official implied that the report would be examining the involvement of everyone... even Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez! Uh, yeah... but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. Especially seeing as we already know that the report concludes that no one outside of the Abu Ghraib prison is directly responsible for the abuses, which would include Sanchez.
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